RC11 無線遙控鍵盤 空中滑鼠 Air Mouse Air Keyboard
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RC11是一款集合空中滑鼠和無線全鍵盤雙功能的智慧輸入裝置,像傳統滑鼠一樣操作螢幕游標, 就像無線鍵盤一樣全鍵盤輸入數位、字母、符號等,但卻不需要放在任何平面上,在空中晃動或者移動就能直接使用。RC11作為一款無線滑鼠和無線鍵盤,徹底擺脫了傳統滑鼠、鍵盤必須在桌面上才能使用的操作模式。 強大的二合一功能:可在高畫質播放機和電腦上使用。 RC11 is an intelligent input device, which integrated dual-function of flying mouse and wireless keyboard. It likes a traditional mouse to operate the screen cursor well , also like a wireless keyboard which can enter numbers ,letters, symbols ,ect very well , but need not to be placed on any flats. You can use it directly by shaking or moving in the air. As a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, compared with traditional mouse and keyboard, RC11 rid the operation which must be used on the desktop thoroughly
RC11 無線遙控鍵盤空中滑鼠 商品介紹
- RC11 is an intelligent input device, which integrated dual-function of flying mouse and wireless keyboard. It likes a traditional mouse to operate the screen cursor well , also like a wireless keyboard which can enter numbers ,letters, symbols ,ect very well , but need not to be placed on any flats. You can use it directly by shaking or moving in the air. As a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, compared with traditional mouse and keyboard, RC11 rid the operation which must be used on the desktop thoroughly.
- RC11是一款集合空中滑鼠和無線全鍵盤雙功能的智慧輸入裝置,像傳統滑鼠一樣操作螢幕游標, 就像無線鍵盤一樣全鍵盤輸入數位、字母、符號等,但卻不需要放在任何平面上,在空中晃動或者移動就能直接使用。RC11作為一款無線滑鼠和無線鍵盤,徹底擺脫了傳統滑鼠、鍵盤必須在桌面上才能使用的操作模式。 強大的二合一功能:可在高畫質播放機和電腦上使用
- RC11 is an intelligent input device, which integrated dual-function of flying mouse and wireless keyboard. It likes a traditional mouse to operate the screen cursor well , also like a wireless keyboard which can enter numbers ,letters, symbols ,ect very well , but need not to be placed on any flats. You can use it directly by shaking or moving in the air. As a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, compared with traditional mouse and keyboard, RC11 rid the operation which must be used on the desktop thoroughly.
- Can be used for HD media players and TVs
- 2.4GHz DSSS radio transceiver 30M feet max distance
- The infrared control distance can up to 10M
- The first air mouse RC11 which developed by MEASY independently, used the best operating experience 2.4GHz wireless technology at the present .Taking the RC11 in your hands, moving it slightly, the corresponding cursor will move on the screen accordingly and ready to point to the characters in the screen. The sampling frequency of the RC11 can up to 120Hz. The operation is flexible and smooth. It won’t appear angular or broken line phenomenon when you drawing a circle or curve on the screen .the lines are sleek and delicate, showing a high level of smoothness
- The operating distance of RC11 can up to 30m, the remote points of view without restriction.Sensitive keys , strong anti-jamming ,and high degree of consistency which maintained by the hand movements and the screen cursor, making the user easy to operate.
The user only needs to hand the remote control in the air, making the wrist as the center, moving the remote control up and down, right and left in a small-angle, the mouse pointer will be able to follow the movements precisely. These make the operation easier and smoother.
This kind of air operation, which is away from the desktop, can be suitable for using in the large-screen environment. RC11 is the best partner for your Smart TV, PC, and Smart media player at home.
- 2.4G HZ擴頻無線接收距離最大達到30米
- 控制距離最大達到10米
- 集合空中滑鼠與無線全鍵盤雙功能,輕鬆實現智慧輸入
- 徹底擺脫傳統滑鼠線與鍵盤線的煩惱
- 遙控器+鍵盤+滑鼠,三位一體,便捷操控
- 適用于智慧電視、MID平板電腦、安卓電視盒、安卓電視棒等智慧設備
- 鍵盤/滑鼠功能自由切換,靈活開關,更有智慧待機模式,節能省電
- 使用描述:
- -空中飛鼠RC11所有按鍵使用壽命均1500000次以上,而且節能環保
- -當滑鼠在空閒狀態下時間達到2分鐘以上,RC11會自動進入休眠狀態
- -RC11使用通用的三節7號電池,方便使用者對電池的購買和更換,避免內置鋰電使用壽命的問題
- -空中飛鼠RC11採用2.4GHZ無線傳輸技術,超強的遊戲體驗,流暢的操作體驗,給您帶來更多的驚喜
- -待機時,按滑鼠左鍵,滑鼠右鍵和滑鼠開關鍵可啟動空鼠,同時開啟滑鼠功能
- 暢玩網頁遊戲
- RC11的採樣頻率高達120HZ,準確指向,操作靈活流暢
- 自由操控,靈活隨心
- RC11的操作距離達30米,遙控角度不受限制,抗干擾性強,使用者只要手握遙控器在空中指揮即能輕鬆操控,完全擺脫束縛,非常適合在大螢幕環境下使用,是家中智慧電視、電腦和智慧播放機的最佳伴侶
(1) 先將後蓋由側邊開口處打開,取出裡面的USB接收器,然後接上主機上任一USB接口。
(2) 使用足夠電力的碳鋅電池。
(3)使用RC11時需要先按1下左鍵與右鍵中間的綠色鍵 開啟RC11 (LED燈會亮) ,操控鼠標時方向鍵( 上下左右 )要朝向電視 。
(5)操作功能鍵F1 ~ F12 其中的功能鍵(例如:音量大/小, 按小房子 F4 鍵可以回主桌面)。
(6) 如果鼠標不對中,請將鼠標移到螢幕正中間,按ㄧ下綠色鍵先關畢RC11,然後上下左右健朝電視正中間, 保持水平, 再按ㄧ下綠色健開啟就可完成校正。
(7) 如果LED有亮還是無法遙控,就需要做配對動作, 請先拔掉USB接收器, 在同時按上與下鍵不放, 然後按Enter鍵約2秒鐘後 LED燈會快閃, 此時再插上USB接收器後 就可完成配對。
(8) 如果燈不亮建議更換新的電池,建議使用碳鋅電池。
(9) 綠色鍵同時與左滑鼠鍵按一次鎖鍵,再同時按一次綠色鍵與左滑鼠鍵解鎖。
RC11是一款集合空中滑鼠和無線全鍵盤雙功能的智慧輸入裝置,像傳統滑鼠一樣操作螢幕游標, 就像無線鍵盤一樣全鍵盤輸入數位、字母、符號等,但卻不需要放在任何平面上,在空中晃動或者移動就能直接使用。RC11作為一款無線滑鼠和無線鍵盤,徹底擺脫了傳統滑鼠、鍵盤必須在桌面上才能使用的操作模式。 強大的二合一功能:可在高畫質播放機和電腦上使用。 RC11 is an intelligent input device, which integrated dual-function of flying mouse and wireless keyboard. It likes a traditional mouse to operate the screen cursor well , also like a wireless keyboard which can enter numbers ,letters, symbols ,ect very well , but need not to be placed on any flats. You can use it directly by shaking or moving in the air. As a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, compared with traditional mouse and keyboard, RC11 rid the operation which must be used on the desktop thoroughly